Andrew Weigel MerleFest 2007



These are pictures I took at the 20th Annual MerleFest between April 26th and April 29th, 2007. Click on any picture to bring up it up full-size.

The weather was excellent. There was light rain on Thursday, which finished before the "Tribute to Merle". Otherwise the days were a combination of sun and clouds, but no additional rain. The evenings were cool, but no more than one would expect.

Looking back on it, the two biggest surprises were probably Bela Fleck and Alison Krauss. Bela because of his incredible musicality, and more particularly his ability to keep the audience interested and entertained during a solo set on the Cabin Stage. I wouldn't have thought it was possible for a banjo player.

With Alison Krauss the surprise was how much better her singing sounded in person than it does on recordings (which says a lot, given how well it sounds on CDs). It's not so much the voice, but how much more is communicated in person. I don't really understand it, but it was very apparent.

Thursday, April 26, 2007
Tribute to Merle at MerleFest, 2007
"Tribute to Merle" on the Watson Stage. Jack Lawrence, T. Michael Coleman, Doc Watson, and Bill Mathis.
The rain had stopped during the previous set.
The raccoon's name is Flattop, presumably after the type of guitar rather than the hairstyle.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Blues Guitar Workshop at MerleFest, 2007 Reverend Robert Jones at MerleFest, 2007 John Hammond at MerleFest, 2007
"Blues Guitar Workshop" in the Mayes Pit. Roy Book Binder, Happy Traum, and John Hammond. Three very different styles of acoustic blues. Reverend Robert Jones on the Creekside Stage during the "Blues Showcase". John Hammond in the "Blues Showcase".
Friday evening at MerleFest, 2007 Friday evening at MerleFest, 2007
A whole bunch of folks on the Watson Stage. That's Jerry Douglas on the dobro. Ditto.
Frosty Morn at MerleFest, 2007 Frosty Morn at MerleFest, 2007
"Frosty Morn" on the Watson Stage. T. Michael Coleman is on Doc's right. Continued, with Richard Watson on the left (stage right).
Elvis Costello at MerleFest, 2007 Elvis Costello at MerleFest, 2007
Elvis Costello on the Watson Stage.
The Dead's "Friend of the Devil", the last song in his set, was the high point.
The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band closing out the  Watson Stage Friday evening at MerleFest, 2007
The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band closing out the Watson Stage Friday evening.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band on the Hillside Stage at MerleFest, 2007 Jim Lauderdale on the Hillside Stage at MerleFest, 2007
The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band on the Hillside Stage. Jim Lauderdale on Hillside.
20th Homecoming Jam at MerleFest, 2007 20th Homecoming Jam at MerleFest, 2007
"20th Homecoming Jam" on the Watson Stage. The guitarist on the far left is Jack Lawrence, Peter Rowan's in the cowboy hat, Del McCoury's at the microphone on Rowan's left, and then Sam Bush (the host of the jam). Almost out of the picture is Jerry Douglas with the dobro. "20th Homecoming Jam" continued. Earl Scruggs, Doc Watson, Sam Bush, and T. Michael Coleman.
Sam Bush at MerleFest, 2007 Bela Fleck at MerleFest, 2007
Sam Bush (on the mandolin) on the Watson Stage. They played "White Bird (in a Golden Cage)". He has a CD out whose title is derived from his dog lapping water in 7/4 time. It is now mandatory to love this band. Bela Fleck wowing the crowd from Cabin Stage.
Alison Krauss and Union Station with Tony Rice at MerleFest, 2007 Alison Krauss and Union Station with Tony Rice at MerleFest, 2007 Alison Krauss and Union Station with Tony Rice at MerleFest, 2007
Tony Rice and AKUSfJD on the Watson Stage. Tony Rice, Alison Krauss, Dan Tyminski, and Ron Block. The other members of Union Station are mostly out of the image.
There was a magnificent shooting star over the stage during Tony Rice's and Jerry Douglas's rendition of "Summertime". It got a real nice hand from the crowd.
Ditto. TR, AK, and DT.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Pete (Dr. Banjo) and Joan Wernick at MerleFest, 2007
Pete (Dr. Banjo) and Joan Wernick on the Cabin Stage.
My Friend Merle at MerleFest, 2007 My Friend Merle at MerleFest, 2007 My Friend Merle at MerleFest, 2007
"My Friend Merle" on the Watson Stage. Doc Watson's in the middle. Ditto. Ditto.
Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver at MerleFest, 2007
Doyle Lawson (in the red suit) and Quicksilver on the Watson Stage. The best vocal group at the festival.
Earl Scruggs at MerleFest, 2007 Earl Scruggs at MerleFest, 2007 Earl Scruggs at MerleFest, 2007
"The Legendary Earl Scruggs with Family and Friends" on the Watson Stage. Bryan Sutton on guitar, Earl Scruggs, Randy Scruggs, a fiddle player from the Grand Ole Opry (whose name I've unfortunately forgotten), and Jennifer Kennedy (the Dobro Gal). Ditto. Ditto.
Earl Scruggs at MerleFest, 2007 Rosa Lee and Doc Watson listening to Earl Scruggs at MerleFest, 2007 Earl Scruggs at MerleFest, 2007
More of the Scruggs show. Rosa Lee and Doc Watson sitting on stage right during Scruggs' performance. Earl Scruggs.

A good time was had by all.

Last updated: October 3, 2012.   Copyright 2005-2018, Andrew H. Weigel (AHW).  E-mail: